.Thursday, August 27, 2009 ' 5:21 PM Y
Home Section page B6
Call us, helplines urge troubled teens

1a) List two reasons why teens are reluctant to call helplines despite the promise of anonymity and professional help.

- The teens who are mostly students in secondary 3 and 4,revealed that they rather not confide in strangers

-youths (13 and 18 ) are at an age where the main objective is to look cool , and look experienceed, wordly-wise, and unfazed by anything .

b) According to Ms Lily Chu, how does Touch Leadership and Mentoring prefer to help troubled teens?

According to Ms Lily Chu ,they will help youths by more direct , effective means , through programmes like workshops in schools , face to face counselling and home visits .

2) Have you confided in your friends or family members about the problems you face in school/ life? Why or why not?

I have confided my secret to my close friends about my problem whenever i have problems in school or life . At this age, we are facing the same problem , so when i confided my secret to some of my friends , they may have experience before the problems and i can have a better way to solve the problem plus being at the same age makes it easier to communicate. Sometimes i can talk to them about things i can't easily open up to my parents.

Have you been betrayed by your friends before? If yes, how? (You may change the names of the people involved for privacy)

I have been betrayed before by and friends . He was actually my best friends before , and I have told him all my secret. And one day we have quarrel for some reasons than , he told other about my secret after that incident , we are no longer friends.

My Reflection....

.Thursday, August 20, 2009 ' 5:50 PM Y
Home Section page B3

1a) What are the 4 rules for religious harmony?

The 4 rules are ,1 all group have to excerise tolerance and restaint , 2 keep religion separate from politics , 3 government must remain secular , 4 maintain the common space that all Singaporean share .

b) In your opinion, how can we maintain a common space in schools?

We could have more activities that concern the different culture and religion like have a racial day at the end of every week . Test on these question and those who got correct get prizes to the winners,activites and community involvement projects which help all ethnic groups open a space of communcation to bring about special relationship and frinedships .This will bring the races together and make them feel united.

2) Do you respect other religions? Why or why not? What do you think of children who stay away from their parents' funerals because they believe the traditional rites are against their new religion?

I do respect other religions , as we must fight against the terrorist that might cause danger to Singapore so we must stay united together if not racial riots will occurs. I do not think that this will be accepeted as their own parents are those who feed them from small to big and now they are ungrateful to their own parents even if they have a different religion that does not allow they will have to pray respect to their own parents they will have to break the rules to pray to their parent.

My Reflection....

.Thursday, August 13, 2009 ' 5:29 PM Y
ST Reflection

Home Section Page 1

1a) What was the reason for building the platform doors at the MRT stations?

-It is to prevent commuters from falling onto the tracks intentionally or otherwise .

b) Which other countries already have such doors installed at train stations?
-Such doors are currently found at some stations in Taipei and Paris.

2) What is your opinion of commuters on trains who disregard the rules (no eating/drinking, give up seats for the elderly/ the disabled/ pregnant women etc.) on the train?

Commuters should not eat or drink in the train , as there is a rule , we have to follow . We have to be considerate for other and not selfish , foods and drinks spilled or dropped on the floor it will bring others inconvient . During peak hours is when the train filled with people if one of communters spilled the drinks on the floor ,this will have lesser space for communters to take the train , people who finish their work are tiring and they have to wait for the next train . As for seats, I feel that the reserved seats in the train should only allow those elderly or pregants to seats so when they are alighting , they can grip the bar and stand up easily . All of us should start to have practice giving up seats to need it more than us .

My Reflection....

.Monday, August 3, 2009 ' 10:21 PM Y
Article: “Government acts to curb younger smokers” (Pg A1 & A4)

1)What are some measures by the government to curb smoking?

Government had increase the fine for those underage that are caught, increase the price for one packet of cigarettes, ban certain sales of tobacco and certain place place selling it .Reduce the amount of tar and nicotine in a cigarettes to protect those exposed to cigarette emissions.
Fines imposed on such smokers will go up from $300 to $500.

2)How successful do you think these measures would be?Support your answer with reasons.

I don't think it will this measure will be very effective, the price for the cigarettes doesn't affect the smoker much , as many of them had smoke for many years and is hard to them to quit . As for those underage smokers , will find a part time job to get enough money to buy cigarettes , use their saving to buy and many more. School have to give more talks on smoking , so student won't take up smoking as is hard for them to quit in a few years time.I feel that this measures will help to slow down amount of smoker in Singapore as time passes.

My Reflection....

.Thursday, July 30, 2009 ' 5:22 PM Y

1a)What are the 2 worrying tends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?

Now is not just adults or men trafficking, even teenagers and women are now getting caught uo in this dangerous trade . Singaporen are being arrested for drug crimes overseas.

b)Why are singaporean increasingly being used as "drug mules'

They could have taken the drugs and they have been used as "drug mules" to get the drugs for free , they need money urgently so they work as "drug mules" to clear their debts and work as "drug mules".

2)What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs?How will you react if someone tries to sell you drug?

I tell him to stop letting his/her parents down and quit this job as he could be behind bars anytime ,is a risky job i will tell him how severe the penalty is if he/she is caught , if he/she is still not listening to my advice i will tell his/her parents of his/her situation , try to get a councilors to help him with his problem and tell him what is the most important for he/she to do now ,if he/she still don't accept my help I will handle this to the police . I will say no and walk away if they continue pestering me I will call up to the police and let them handle this matter.

My Reflection....

.Thursday, July 23, 2009 ' 5:35 PM Y
Instructions: Complete all the reflection questions

Refer to the “in” Section

1) Pg 4: Her world’s a stage

Reflection Questions:

Do you consider yourself an artistic person?

I can consider myself an artistic person , i love drawing and I draw whenever i have time,i also appreciate people's drawing.

What are your opinions of the theatre scene in Singapore?

I had never been to any scene in Singapore but I think the scene should be good as there is lots of people going there to watch .

2) Pg 10: Drink-and-Eat MRT Riders on the rise

Reflection Question:

How do you feel about MRT commuters eating and drinking blatantly on the train?

Is a selfish way to to do that,they don't think about others, there is no-eating sign in the train rules are given we should follow and not breaking breaking the rule. I think the if people who are caught eating of drinking they should be fine straight away and not giving warnings for first offender as this rule has been set long time ago plus if they spilled their drink or drop their food people will have lesser space to walk or to stand .

My Reflection....

.Thursday, July 16, 2009 ' 5:40 PM Y
STReflection Semester 2 week 1

1a)Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?

Is because of the cheerleading have to buy lots of costumes for different events,have hire a hairstyles to style their hair before performance and also make up .For safety reason they have buy insurance in case any incident happened and they have to hire a coach so this sports costs a bomb.

b)What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?

They have to be flexible to do all and guys have to be very fit as they have to carry the girls up so is a tough sports and also must have stamina to to do the stun and most important is they must have a very good team work and this needs lot time to work on if not they will be injured.

2)What is your opinion of cheerleadings? If given a chance,would you join cheerleading?why/why not?(100 words)

Cheerleading is sports that need lots of teamwork,time,stamina without any of this i think it will affect the performance and i think all these need to spend lots of time to work on ,and need to use quite a number of money if there is no sponsor ,sponsor them .I think I will join as is quite challenaging sports and have to flexible to do this sports and have to be fit to lift the girl up so is a quite good sports

My Reflection....

The Writer

Ong Jing Long
East View Sec.


-February 2009
-March 2009
-April 2009
-July 2009
-August 2009