.Tuesday, April 21, 2009 ' 5:17 PM Y
Straits Times E-Forum ReflectionSecondary 3E / 3NA
Term 2 Week 5 (20th April)

Article: “I was an addict” – ‘Straits Times IN’ Section (In The Air Pg 2)

1a) What are some of the earliest signs mentioned in the article to indicate that a person is addicted to gaming?

They will spend most of their time on computer games , without eating and drinking something.When they reach school they wil start to feel tired and sleepy or thinking of the games they are playing and cannot pay attention in class.They start to get anti social after school they will just straight home and play online games. They will to make their character looks good so they save money by not eating just to buy the prepaid cards

1b) State some of the methods listed by the author to overcome the addiction to gaming.

The author's mother had lock the computer so she cannot play , and she was not so addicted with the games and was more socialise ,like going out with her friends.

2) What are some of your reactions after reading this article? If a close friend of yours confesses to you that he/she is addicted to online games, what would your advice to him/her be?

I will ask to stop playing computer games and be more socialise with people,I was once that was addicted to compter online games i will share my experience with my friends ,as it is just a way to get my away from stress and not comcentrade on the game and neglect our studies,If my friends don't have any CCA i will encourage him to get one as this can distract him from playing computer or I will ask his parents to lock the computer to stop him from playing unless studies purpose.

My Reflection....

.Thursday, April 16, 2009 ' 7:31 PM Y
Straits Times E-Forum Reflection
Secondary 3E / 3NA

Term 2 Week 4 (13th April)

Article: “Mum’s catching up with me … on Facebook”– ‘Home’ Section (Pg B2)

1) What were the reasons given by Facebook parent, Rashida Husian, when she requests access to the networking sites and also to what her children had put online?

Rashida Huisian wants get along with her well ,and to comfort or encourage her whenever she need so.

2) Do you think it is a good idea to accept requests by your parents to add them readily to your friends’ list on the Facebook? Why?

I think is not a bad idea to let my parent to add mi in facebook . When we have problem with something and find it shy to talk face to face with them ,this may be a good way to tell them or sometimes quarrel with parents for some reasons this could be a another to apologised to them . With this, the relationship between we and our parents can get better. But this we will not have our freedom , when parents will get see my profile and start asking this and that .

My Reflection....

.Tuesday, April 7, 2009 ' 5:34 PM Y
St journal 8
"Boring? 'Creators' aim to engineer a cool image" by Nur Dianah Suhaimi

Q1a. According to Mr Pang, what can schools do to make lessons like Physics and Mathematics more interesting to students and relevant to engineering as a career?

Mr Pang said that before class, teachers and lectures make the physic and mathematics lesson come alive by showing them what they like,fast cars, animation, explosion. Students will get know how cool engineering can be.

Q1b. According to Mp Ms Lee Bee Wah, what will happen to society if there are no engineers?

MP Lee said it is crucial hat Singapore increase its pool of engineers. She said: "Without engineers, there would not be technological progress and advancements. Not only do we need to attract more students to study engineering, but we also need to attract the brightest ones. Otherwise, our society's progress will be done with."

Q2. Do you think that 'Creators' will succeed in their mission? Why? Why not? Explain giving your reasons.

It depends on how the teacher teaching them physic and mathematics, teacher must have extra patience teaching the students, but sometimes student may find the lesson boring and cannot concentrate easily ,so teacher can show them some video or doing some experiment to make them know the topic easy.Those students that are good in physic and mathematics teacher can encourage to advantage of engineering so they can take up the job in future.

My Reflection....

.Thursday, April 2, 2009 ' 7:42 PM Y
Straits Times E-Forum Reflection

Term 2 Week 2 (30th March)

Article: “Sorry guys, these lots are not for you” – ‘Home’ Section (Pg B1)

Question 1:
What were some of the reasons cited in the article why there was a need to have parking lots for women only in these buildings?

The reasons are it is less tiring for women, especially those that are in heels. Women also feels safer parking nearer to the entrance.

Question 2:
(a) In your opinion, do you think it is necessary to allocate parking lots for women only? Why?

In my opinion, I felt that it is not necessary to allocate parking lots for women only. It is not necessary because for women to walk just a few more steps to entrance is not very tiring. If the woman is going shopping then it is not an excuse that they are tired. I think women can try to find a lot near the entrance if they feel unsafe parking so far, therefore I think it is not necessary to allocate parking lots for women only.

(b) Which group of people do you then feel should be allocated such priority parking? Explain.

I think the group of people who needs such priority parking are the handicaps and women that are pregnant or people who have babies in the car. Since priority parking for the handicaps are allocated, I will explain the other two. Women that are pregnant who goes to work will not find it hard to get a lot and they can easily walk to the entrance of their office. Therefore I think it will be more convenient for the women that are pregnant. People who have babies in the car will also get to find a lot easily and it is more convenient for them to get to the lift lobby. As babies might cry anytime, it will not be so convenient if the person cannot find a lot and the baby is crying in the car. Therefore I think it is less troublesome if there is priority parking allocated for people with babies.

My Reflection....

The Writer

Ong Jing Long
East View Sec.


-February 2009
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