.Friday, March 13, 2009 ' 10:56 PM Y
Straits Times E-Forum Reflection

Week 6 (9th March)

Article: “Help for single mums in downturn” – ‘Main’ Section (Pg A4-5)

Question 1:
What project was launched to help single mums? Briefly explain what is this project about?

This project is helping those single mums,divorcees womans, that need help from family problems and others ,they can get help from this.

Question 2:
Imagine you come across a single mum who is unemployed, what are some advice you can give her? Who can she turn to?

If i come across a single mum who is unemployed , i will try to ask my parents to give her some money to help her for her situations, and try to get help from a project called "we care for u " i think she would get a job over there , i will encourage her not to give up .

My Reflection....

.Thursday, March 12, 2009 ' 5:36 AM Y
Straits Times E-Forum Reflection

Week 5

Article: “NTU Death Fall” – ‘HOME’ Section (Pg B6)

Question 1:
What were some indications which showed that the victim was facing problems before he committed the rash act?

he could have been very stress with his studies,as he is using his bursary award to come singapore for further studies,but he didn't manage to do well over here and they have to cancel his award,so he could had worried that his parents could not affort his school fees amd he his families are not in singapore so he could not find a close person to share his thoughts with , so he may thought that ending his lives was the best way to solve the problem .

Question 2:
(a) Is it very stressful being a student in Singapore? Explain.

Yes i agree, it is very stressful being a singapore student.Singaporean are very "kia su " everything have to the best and prefect that why there is alot of competing in students's studies ,some of the students may not reach up to parents expection will get repriminded by their parents.In Singapore without certificate no one will employ you or having good pay ,thats why parents wan to make sure their child study well in their studies so they won't suffer in future.My worst subject is english but in singapore without english i will not be able to get a better job so i have to put in more effort on english .

(b) What are some problems you face as a student which adds to your stress level?

From my parents and mine expectation is alaways increase in my stress level .if my result didn't come out well i would find out the reason and put in more extra effort than others.

My Reflection....

The Writer

Ong Jing Long
East View Sec.


-February 2009
-March 2009
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