.Friday, February 27, 2009 ' 4:01 AM Y
Article "All in a day's work for men in blue." - 'HOME' Section (Pg B4)

Question 1
What are some reasons stated in the article why some members of the public call the police for?

-Car Accident.
-Snakes around neighbourhood areas.
-Young Teenagers having illegal gathering.
-Illegal gambling.

Question 2(a)
Do you see the job of a policeman as something easy or tough? Why?

I find it tough being a policeman.They must be brave and ready to risk their life and could not even to affort a misktake.They have to stay alert and calm at all times when handling cases,and report it to the headquarters.

Would you consider becoming a policeman or policewoman in future?Why yes or why not?

I would not consider becoming a policeman. they have to be fit and fast runner all stay alert at all times. willing to risk their lives to save someone,and can't misplaced their guns. If there is some important cases they have to stay overnight to find out whose is the person ,and they have to be patients waiting for the person to appear and catch them.

My Reflection....

.Thursday, February 26, 2009 ' 6:33 PM Y
Straits Times E-Forum Reflection

Week 3

Article: “Ink Corporated” – ‘IN’ Section (Pg 8-9)

Question 1:
What are some reasons stated in the article why some people choose to have body art like tattoos or piercings done on parts of their boy.

- They think its cool or fun.
- They want to be different from others.

- They want get to peoples attention.

Question 2:
(a) What are some imppressions you would form of a person whose body is covered with tattoo?

I will think that they are gangsters or bad records .I dont find it cool as it gives alot of bad impression. I don't really like to talk to them or make friends with them I just find it uncomfortable with them. If i am a boss of a company or shop most probably won't invite them.

(b) Would you consider getting a tattoo in future? Why?

I won't get a tattoo in future.I don't find it cool at all and it gives people a unpleasant look whenever i walk around with a tattoo, I can cost alot money to get a tattoo , it will be diffcult for people who have tattoo to get a proper or higher pay job ,people will find it diffcult to trust them to get their job done well , so I am not really interested on having a tattoo.

My Reflection....

. ' 6:26 PM Y
Straits Times E-Forum Reflection (Week 2)

Article: “Sharp rise in girls under 16 having sex” – Home Section

Question 1 (you may choose to answer either or both questions):

· State any two reasons mentioned in the article which contributes to the sharp rise in girls under 16 having sex.

· What are some consequences which a girl might face for engaging in casual sex? '

- The girl might get Sexual Transmitted Diseases from the sex parthner she got.
- Neglect their studies,affect them can't get a good job in future.
- May not be able to take care their child well.
- Will not be able to find a good marriage in future.
- If the girl is going for abortion,she may not able to have a child in future

Question 2
What are some of your reactions after reading this article? If one day, a close friend of yours confess to you that he/she has been engaging in sex, what would your advice to him/her be?

I don't really know why the girl (in the article)want to destroy her future,engaging sex with 8 guys just for money.If she study hard, in future she could have earn more money than now she had earn.
I will tell him/her that what he/she is doing is wrong and tell them not to do it again now our jobs is to study , if the guy is caught he may go to jail , and affect him in future from getting a better job , as for the girl i will tell her for now is too early to have sex as she would not be able to affort to take care of a baby,if she go for abortion she will have slimmer chance to got pregant in future and may have Sexual Transmitted Diseases.

My Reflection....

.Thursday, February 19, 2009 ' 6:36 PM Y
3E/NA Straits Times E-Forum Reflection

Week 1

Article: “Tuition Crazy” – ‘IN’ Section

Question 1:
State any two reasons mentioned by students why extra tuition was necessary.

- Teachers may have teach too fast during lesson some student may not understand.
- Teachers may not have alot of time to teach them after school.

Question 2:
Do you think it is necessary for you to have tuition? Why?
For me I think it is necessary to have tuiltion. As some of the student are tired during lesson and can't concentrade in class, the class could be noisy, students sitting at the back could not listen.student is sick and absent from class they could not ctach up without a tuiltion.tuiltion fees may be expensive but i think is worth for those who are slow learner ..

My Reflection....

The Writer

Ong Jing Long
East View Sec.


-February 2009
-March 2009
-April 2009
-July 2009
-August 2009